1 min read
24 Nov


Compensation When Injured in a Car Accident - Ontario Accident Benefits 

In Ontario, there is a significant difference in benefits available depending on the classification of the injury as either minor (sprains, lacerations, and such) or catastrophic (certain brain injuries, significant general impairment, amputations, loss of eyesight or significant general impairment).

Those suffering catastrophic injury and not at fault may attempt to settle with the insurance company or pursue civil litigation – for either, getting the assistance of a licensed lawyer is prudent.

Note: This information is general in nature and is not legal advice. The author is not a practicing lawyer. Personal matters should be referred to a licensed practitioner for advice.

Two POLICIES, Neither is EXCESS Insurance

Where someone has two insurance policies covering the same loss, each insurance company contributes to the loss but only to the extent of the loss. The insured is not "double compensated". For clarifications, see 

Family Insurance Corp v Lombard Canada Ltd, [2002] 2 SCR 695.

This site provides general information. Nothing herein is legal advice

We encourage you to visit us at our alternate website: https://www.fera-gasparini.ca/ and also to have a quick look inside our great new book on 

Canadian Law and Business Studies: https://bit.ly/3Ay0lSR.

This book contains a full chapter on "Insurance".

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